Well, i completly agree with most of what u said, but then again, i didn't. I personally hate all government, so I agreed with your dislikement of it, but I'm also just pro-death altogether, so i really don't give a fuck what happens, cause everyone is going to die and be released from this pointless existance (but that's another subject)...and i hate people who are anti-war because no matter what the fuck anyone says the war is still happening, and i hate the pro-war people for that matter too, because they're just fucking anoying, but anything that brings up contraversy brings me pleasure, especially if people get pissed at me, i laugh at the stupid people when that happens...heh heh..o, anyway, about your movie. It was ok, but i personally don't like that style, but it's nothing against you or your views, cause everyone can have their own worthless opinion, and i just figured i'd give you mine to stir up something. o well, who cares it's just flash, and these are just words...i ramble too much, i like almonds.