i laughed because of how many people are stupid
so, here's my worthless opinion that i just felt entitled to say just to piss some people off, start some controversy, which makes me laugh, and i feel like having a good laugh... First of all, everyone can state their worthless opinion and if u get offended by a couple words and some flash, then your a moron and i wish i could kill you. Second, all government sux and is evil, but so am i, so is everyone, so no one here has a right to acuse anyone of anything. And it doesn't matter if your fucking pro-war or anti-war, because it's happening anyway, so deal with it. I by the way am pro-death altogether, so i really don't give a shit what happens because everyone will eventually be released from this pointless existance into nothingness - but that's getting on a totally different subject. oh and i might add that this isn't just towards the creator of this so-so flash animation, it's to everyone - (i.e. all the stupid fucks out there)....Hmm, well, in the midst of reading what i've written i've forgotten the other pointless crap i was about to say, so....relax people, it's just flash!